Saturday, May 21, 2011

At Willow . . .

I'm currently sitting in the guests' lounge at Willow Creek Community Church, and I have to admit that I'm a little disoriented by all this.  This church has a coffee shop, a bookstore, multiple auditoriums, free wifi, more parking than Disney, and beautiful landscaping that actually incorporates local wetlands.  Willow is the fourth largest church in the country according to the Hartford database, and it's nice.  I've got a little downtime before the service, so I'll be poking around, trying to talk to folks once it gets closer to service time, and maybe getting a little ahead on blog stuff so that I'm not burning the midnight oil right before Lawndale.

Ooo, coffee shop's open.  I wonder how their smoothies are.

Addendum from five minutes later: Their smoothies are $4.  I think I'll save my money for dinner instead.

Addendum from five more minutes later: But it's all fair trade and local/organic, and the profits go to overseas relief efforts, and I'm really thirsty, so fine, I'll cave this one time.

Addendum from five more minutes later: Good smoothie.  So cold now.  Also, sugar overload.  Next couple of hours ought to be interesting.  Wonder if my note-taking will be that much faster now.

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