Sunday, May 22, 2011

Game Plan for Days Seventeen and Eighteen

Okay, Willow write-up is taking longer than expected (since a lot of unexpected things happened there), and I'm going to try to finish it tonight/early tomorrow, but I'm going to need more time to edit it later before posting.  It might be a few days before that one finds its way onto the blog.

Also, Lawndale has 9:00 and 11:30 services tomorrow.  Normally, I'd try to go to both, but with this Willow write-up being what it is, I think I'm going to sleep in and just go to the 11:30 so that I can be a little more well-rested for note-taking and driving.  After leaving town and finding a cheap place to stay midway between here and St. Louis, I'll do the Lawndale write-up and come back to edit Willow afterward.  That should put everything in order.

Oof.  Unless I'm just feeling particularly ambitious in Houston, this might be the last time I try to do this many churches in one town.  It's been good, and it's been formative, but it's also been more research and writing than I had bargained for.

Well, back to the grindstone (soon to be followed by the sack).

Peace and Blessings,

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