Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, everyone-- and especially you, Mom!  I think I'm going to celebrate this day by not getting anything pierced, tattooed, or otherwise modified for at least the next 24 hours.  Love you!

Okay, all kidding aside, happy Mother's Day!  As I'm sure has become abundantly clear through the big long post about retracing my parents' steps through Baltimore, they mean the world to me, and I'm incredibly lucky to have had them looking out for me for so long.  I'm going to be here writing and reading for about an hour longer this morning before I check out of the hotel and head to New Song for worship, after which I'll start making my way toward Ohio.  I'll try to post tonight on all things New Song-related, but I haven't ruled out the possibility that it will be too long an analysis to finish in one evening, and there may wind up being a few supplements to it later this week.

Peace and Blessings,

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