Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 21: Severe Weather in St. Louis

Total Mileage: 1,794

Song of the Day: "Delmar Mourning" (Last to Show First to Go)

Book of the Day: researching church life cycles- more info coming soon.

I'm in St. Louis with my brother and sister-in-law, and the weather is putting on quite a show for us.  We've had a few tornado warnings and hail the size of golf balls.  There's been some of that wonderful windy sideways rain and also some very impressive lightning and flash-flooding.  At the same time, I can hear birds chirping outside, so that's a good sign, right?

At this point, I'm researching a question that I've been thinking about a good bit lately: does every church have a predetermined life cycle of sorts?  Like humans, do churches have a standard life process with birth, growth, maturity, and eventual death?  How possible is it to break out of this cycle and help a church enter new phases of growth later in life?  I'm doing some reading on the subject, and maybe I'll have this line of thought a little more fleshed out a few days from now.

Right now, I'm taking a little downtime after the intense three-church marathon that was Chicago.  Tomorrow, I head down to Memphis.  Mmm, I'm more than ready to get back to Memphis BBQ.  I'm looking forward to seeing friends and family as well, but BBQ has a special place in my heart . . . well, it's actually more in the coronary arteries, but that's close enough to the heart.

Peace and Blessings,

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