Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 42- On my way to Seattle

Total Mileage: 4,893

Song of the Day: "This Year" (The Mountain Goats)

Book of the Day: The Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren) 

You know, with the Ted Haggard thing and having to defend my faith at Temple Square and going to Focus on the Family and all the driving and reading and writing and everything, I'm spent.  My to-do list isn't getting any shorter either, and I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that this should probably be a two-person operation.  I need someone organized to write emails and such, but maybe these things will be easier to keep up with when I'm not trying to cover 1,500 miles in four days.  I'll get a little bit of a breather in Seattle hopefully, and at least all the really controversial stuff is behind me.

Hey, wait a minute . . .

Oh no.
You have got to be kidding me.
Well, here goes nothing.

Peace and Blessings,


  1. Please get there for this:

  2. I'll probably be at the Seattle campus on Sunday, but it's hard to refuse a chance to dust off my "Haters gonna hate" sign again.
