Monday, June 6, 2011

Someone Should Start a Website . . .

An idea occurred to me this morning, and I haven't found it online yet, so while I'm sure some form of this exists somewhere, it may not be quite as widespread as it could be.

What if we had an online database that listed church mission opportunities all over the country?  People could type in their hometowns and immediately see a list of service opportunities with churches nearby.  I know that the Greater Chicago Food Depository has a system like this that lists off soup kitchens and fellowships like Breaking Bread, and based on how many volunteers LaSalle Street gets from being listed on that site, imagine if every city had a similar resource.  Then again, maybe most cities already have something similar in place, and I just don't know about it.  I just got this idea about fifteen minutes ago, so I haven't researched it thoroughly yet, and if some sort of site like this already exists, please post it in the comments!

I've just been thinking that, as many amazing stories as people have told me about churches in their areas, churches that I want to visit and serve and worship with, there's got to be some sort of online forum to bring attention to the work that God is doing through these faith communities.  I don't know a thing about web design, and I really don't perceive such a website as my calling, but I bet it's someone's calling.

Just a thought.

Okay, time to pack up my things and hit the road.  On my way out of town, I'm going to try to swing by Resurrection one more time to talk to a few more people about local outreach and missions.  While I learned a lot this weekend about promoting a missions emphasis in a worship setting, I still need to delve a little more into the programs that Resurrection has established to help build up the Kansas City area, and my goal is to get all this written up and posted by sometime tomorrow evening.

Of course, there's another church visit that I'll be making a little later today, but first, I'll need to swing by a CVS or something so that I can grab a sharpie and some posterboard.  (Yes, it's that church.)

Peace and Blessings,

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